Aromatherapists suggest the essential oils of juniper, Roman or German chamomile, and cypress for treating bursitis.
Bodywork and Somatic Pradices
Good bets for gentle, immediate relief, and healing include reflexology, Therapeutic Touch, massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Feldenkrais, Trager, and Oriental body work. Later, to reduce the likelihood of any further problems, such as repetitive motion syndrome, old injury history, or persistent pain cycles, use trigger point myotherapy, Hellerwork, Rolfing, Aston-Patterning, or Alexander technique.
Bursitis is sometimes caused by malposition of the joint. Corrective adjustments are beneficial, especially in chronic cases, In acute cases-specifically those caused by repetitive motions and the "overuse syndrome" typically seen in athletes-specific chiropractic adjustment (SCA) can be extremely effective. Chiropractic care may also include physical therapy, such as ultrasound and electromuscle stimulation. A chiropractor may recommend specific exercises to prevent bursitis in the shoulder from progressing to frozen shoulder syndrome, which sometimes happens in serious cases.
Herbal Therapy
For easing the discomfort of bursitis, try willow or meadowsweet tea; both herbs contain salicylate, a natural pain reliever. To prepare the tea, steep 1 teaspoon of either dried herb in 1 cup boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes; strain and drink 3 cups daily.
Alternatively, you might try a blend of tinctures of meadowsweet, horsetail, and willow bark. Combine equal amounts of the tinctures and take 1 teaspoon of the blend 3 times daily.
A combined tincture of lobelia and cramp bark is also therapeutic when rubbed into muscles to calm the tension produced by bursitis.
Your homeopathic practitioner may suggest Ruta graveolens to ease the pain of bursitis.
When pain is acute, apply an ice pack for 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off during the first 24 hours. After that, use contrast therapy (alternating hot and cold compresses) up to 3 times daily. Caution: Never use a cold compress for longer than 20 minutes at a time; extended exposure to cold can damage skin.
You also might try soaking in a warm Epsom salts bath for 20 to 30 minutes once a week.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture Acupuncture can help reduce the inflammation and relieve the stiffness that accompanies bursitis, and it may promote the drainage of excess fluid. Acupoints targeted vary, depending on whether the pain is located in the hip, knee, or shoulder. Acupressure Acupressure can be used to alleviate the pain and inflammation associated with bursitis.
Chinese Herbal Therapy Corydalis Analgesic Tablets might be prescribed to combat bursitis-related pain, and aloe vera can be used as a topical medication. Herb plasters can also be used locally on affected areas.
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